Early & Advance Grammar (Revised version) (Pink, Blue & Green series) Consist of colour-coded boxes and word cards. Nouns (black)-6x, Verbs (Red)-6x, Adjectives (blue)- 2x, Noun & Adjective game box-1x, Nouns (Singular & Plural)-11x, Nouns (Masculine & Femine)-3x, Adjective(articles)-1x and Prepositions-1x, S & P box 1, preposition box comes with objects with Noun cards.
Objectives: To practice reading. Introduction and function of nouns, verbs and adjective. To reinforce communication through mime (via verb boxes), the meaning of “singular” and “plural”. To introduce the basic rules for the formation of plurals, masculine and feminine. To introduce the function of prepositions in a sentence.
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